Growing Together
Each year we mark Anti-Bullying Week to highlight what bullying is, and what we can do about it together. The anti-bullying alliance aims to raise awareness that ‘by channelling our collective power, through shared efforts and shared ambitions, we can reduce bullying together’. The children also engage in taught sessions to highlight how important kindness to everyone is. We make sure that children knew who to talk to if they are ever affected by bullying or unkindness (in and out of school) as well as teaching children the understanding that standing by and watching unkind behaviour happening is also not acceptable – they need to use their voice. We are all a piece of this puzzle, and this week always serves as a strong reminder that we are united against bullying.
During the week, we also invite children to wear odd socks to school for a day of fun learning. This is to celebrate our differences, highlighting that we are all unique and that any differences between us should be not only tolerated, but celebrated! Things would be a little boring if we were all the same! The children embrace this and we see some excellent combinations of odd socks!
We believe placing a high importance on physical and mental well-being is essential for children to thrive. In addition to this, there is a proven link between pupils’ health and well-being and their academic progress. We teach PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) at St. Bede using a scheme called SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) from Coram Life Education Wessex. It was developed by teachers and is centred on a values-based and ‘growth mindset’ approach to learning. The scheme builds from Year R all the way to Year 6 and teaches children a range of vital life skills, promoting positive behaviour, mental health, well-being, resilience and achievement.
We are thrilled that so many children enjoy celebrating being united against bullying!