Growing Together
This section of the website is continues to be updated to celebrate our learning curriculum at the school.
If you would like to learn more about our curriculum, please look through the curriculum section of our website or feel free to send an email to stbedeoffice@st-bede.hants.sch.uk with any queries.
LoveWe treat others in the way that we want to be treated. We are kind and understanding to ourselves and each other, without exception. We do things to help others without expecting something in return. | PeaceWe listen to each other, respecting and celebrating our differences and similarities. We work together to stop hatred and injustice. | CourageWe choose to do the right thing, even when it might be easier not to. We ask for help when we need it. We help those who cannot help themselves. | TrustWe tell the truth and are reliable. We support each other and do our best. We know who to turn to when we need help and choose to ask them for support. | FriendshipWe show each other trust and support. We are open to new ideas, new activities and new friendships. We are kind. We make sure that nobody is, or feels, left out. |
LearningAt St Bede we aim to develop the attributes, skills, knowledge, understanding and enjoyment that will make us successful and life-long learners. | CitizenshipAt St Bede we understand that we belong to a community and have rights and responsibilities. We are committed to developing our role as responsible citizens. | Relating to peopleAt St Bede we welcome and respect all people no matter their needs, backgrounds or beliefs. We are honest about our mistakes, seek and show forgiveness. | Managing situationsAt St Bede we are polite and follow our school expectations. We develop self-discipline to help us make good choices. | Managing informationAt St Bede we use information we receive carefully and responsibly. We know that some information is private and treat it with respect and confidentiality. |
TeamworkWe like to learn with each other. We learn from each other’s ideas and strategies. | PerseveranceWe enjoy challenges and stick at them. We give things a go and try our best. | Management of selfWe avoid distraction and know not to distract others. We find effective ways and places to learn. | Empathy towards othersWe are interested in the ideas, feelings and experiences of others and learn from them. | Ideas and CreativityWe ask lots of questions. We share our ideas with others. We look for ways to improve work. | Being reflectiveWe apply what we have learned previously to new challenges. We think hard and plan carefully. |
Be SafeWe learn ways to keep ourselves safe and help others to do the same. We take responsibility for our own actions. We ask for help when we are hurt, worried or confused and know who to turn to. | Be readyWe use time sensibly when we are learning and playing. We listen to each other and show that we are eager and determined to learn. We look after the school and the resources we have. | Be respectfulWe are polite, kind and understanding. We celebrate our differences and our similarities. We are interested in finding out new things and meeting new people. |
A growth mindset and critical thinking underpin all areas of learning. Children are encouraged to engage with challenge, knowing that mistakes are a valuable part of the learning process.
EnglishAt St Bede, pupils are taught to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others and through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them. We learn using quality rich texts that are engaging and relevant. Children acquire early phonic skills using the Little Wandle synthetic phonics scheme. In reading, comprehension skills are developed using a VIPERS approach. Children write frequently with a focus on PAL and are taught spelling, punctuation, grammar and editing to improve the quality of their work. | MathematicsAt St Bede, our maths teaching aims to provide a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. Children are taught to work fluently and accurately developing their knowledge and understanding by working with concrete resources and with pictorial and abstract representations. There is a coherent, planned progression of skills which underpins teaching. Children are given frequent exposure to open tasks where they apply problem solving and reasoning. | Curriculum ProjectsAt St Bede we aim to provide ‘pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge they need to be educated citizens. [And] introduce pupils to the best that has been thought and said, [engendering] an appreciation of human creativity and achievement’ (DfE, 2013) Children engage in curriculum projects that encourage posing questions and finding answers. Learning is introduced through a creative ‘hook’ and children work towards a purposeful and engaging outcome. The purpose of learning is always driven by consistent subject integrity. Visits, visitors and resources are used regularly to make learning engaging and memorable. |
Goals of educationChildren enjoy learning and are proud of their achievements. High quality teaching is available to all. The National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum are used to identify key skills and knowledge which is taught through relevant and engaging tasks. | Learning and progressSequences of learning link key ideas and knowledge, building on what has been taught previously. Teachers monitor learning and provide developmental feedback to pupils. Parents and carers are encouraged to be involved in and support their children’s learning. | Meeting the needs of all pupilsApproaches to learning, including the use of resources are sensitively chosen and well matched to meet the needs of all pupils. The classroom climate inspires, supports and motivates all pupils. Children’s ideas and interests are used to help shape learning. | Staff commitmentAll children are valued, nurtured, supported and treated fairly. All adults will do what is best for the children in their care. Teachers have a clear understanding of cognition and learning and a deep knowledge of the subjects they teach. |
ScienceA high quality science education provides the foundations for conceptual understanding of the world. Through building up a body of key knowledge and precise vocabulary, we are encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. | Personal, Social and Health EducationLearning in this vital area is planned through structured units which promote positive relationships and which develop the understanding of key themes: Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship | GeographyAt St Bede, we are equipped with knowledge of diverse places, people, resources and environments, together with a deep understanding of key physical and human processes. A growing knowledge of the world deepens our understanding of the interaction of human and physical processes. | HistoryA high-quality history education, based on an enquiry led approach, inspires our curiosity to learn more about the past. At St Bede, we are encouraged to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence and sift arguments to develop perspective and judgement.
| Design and technologyUsing creativity and imagination, we design and make products that solve relevant problems within a variety of contexts. We acquire broad subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. |
ComputingThe core of computing is computer science, in which we are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to work through programming. | Art and designArt, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human activity. High quality experiences engage, inspire and challenge us to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
| MusicMusic is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. At St Bede, our music education engages and inspires us to develop a love of music and our talent as musicians.
| Physical EducationThe physical education curriculum provides opportunities to become physically confident in a way which supports health and fitness. Competing in sports and games helps us to build character to embed values such as fairness and respect.
| LanguagesA high quality languages education fosters our curiosity and deepens our understanding of the world. At St Bede, we learn to express our ideas in French to communicate for practical purposes. |
Developing Emotional and Spiritual WellbeingChildren engage in regular assemblies and acts of worship where they develop an understanding of the culture of the school and their role in society. We have strong links with local churches. Key events in the Christian calendar are marked. | Inspiring learners through assemblies, visitors and school tripsVisitors to the school and School trips are carefully planned to enhance curriculum teaching and to contribute to pupils’ personal development. | Developing Physical wellbeingOur PE leader and sport champion promote physical well-being and development through a broad curriculum, a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and competitive events. | Developing creativityThe school has an active choir and orchestra who perform at a number events each year. All pupils take part each year in Christmas, Harvest and Easter productions. Art projects involve professional artists and are featured in local venues. | Developing responsibilityChildren across the school take on responsibility through our school, learning and belief councils, as sport or eco reps, or in other roles and impact on strategic development. Each year group engages with a charity projects. Road safety is promoted through JRSO’s. | Community engagementChildren at St Bede learn that they are part of a school, local, national and global community and are encouraged to engage positively with each. Opportunities to take part in projects with local churches and theatre, charities such as the NSPCC and Children in Need and developing links with Rwanda are explored across the school. |
Keeping children safeSafeguarding is our first priority at St Bede. Every member of staff has a duty to keep children safe and receives regular training to help them do so. Concerns and actions are recorded confidentially using CPOMS. Sarah Duck and David Metcalfe lead safeguarding across the school. | GovernanceThe governing body demonstrate a deep understanding of our curriculum, vision and ethos. Their knowledgeable support, challenge and scrutiny contribute to a strong organisational culture of accountability. They work closely with school staff to set and monitor strategic priorities. | Evaluation, assessment and moderationSystematic reflection and evaluation of children’s learning and wider experiences of being a pupil at St Bede inform strategic planning, teaching practice and professional development of staff. The moderation of teacher assessments is thorough and informs planning, training and monitoring. Local authority moderation of assessments confirms that teacher assessments are accurate and that pupil outcomes are strong. |