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St Bede CofE Primary School home page

St Bede C of E
Primary School

Growing Together

School Meals

Nut-Free and Sesame-Free School:

Our school endeavours as far as possible to be a nut-free school, this includes sesame seeds. We have quite a number of students in school who have severe nut and sesame allergies and can be seriously affected by someone else who is eating or may have recently eaten nuts.  


Please encourage your child to understand that eating a nut product (including items such as sandwiches with peanut butter, houmous, or Nutella, nutty chocolate bars, or bread with sesame seeds) can have a serious effect on a student later on in the classroom.

School Dinner Menu (Sept 2024 - Feb 2025)

School Dinner Menu (Feb 2025 - Jul 2025)