Growing Together
Please follow the link above get to the St Bede HSA website where you can purchase items, tickets to events and find out more about what we are up to!
Welcome to St Bede Home & School Association (HSA), we are a registered charity, (No. 1080716).
What is a PTA/HSA?
Firstly PTA stands for 'Parent & Teacher Association'; HSA stands for 'Home & School Association. Therefore broadening its inclusiveness, to more than just parents and teachers! We are a community!
Our association is about much more than simply fundraising. St Bede HSA exists to help provide closer links between home and school; and it is an excellent way to bring governors, school staff, parents, carers, and families all together socially, in support of the school, working towards a common goal.
ALL parents and carers are automatically members, when their child joins our school.
All members of the school community are welcomed to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. Studies show that there’s a direct link between parental involvement and how well children do.
We are fortunate that St Bede HSA is an integral part of our school community. The funds we raise are spent on equipment and resources, to enhance our children’s educational experience; and the school’s facilities.
How do we raise money?
Like most PTAs and HSAs, the majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run. Some of our most popular events include:
Christmas Fayre
Adults only quiz night (Bede Brain)
Summer Fayre
Pre-loved school uniform sales (Teddy Bede)
Donations from parents are extremely important. You can donate your time, money, items for sale, pre-loved uniforms or raffle prizes, to name a few.
Please support us via AmazonSmile. We will receive a donation every time you shop on Amazon:
We are registered with easyfundraising - so that other shops you buy from donate to us when you buy from them online:
How do we spend the money raised?
St Bede HSA Committee work closely with the school to help decide how our HSA funds are spent, which is in line with out Constitution, should you wish to see a copy please email us at
Currently we give each class £400 each year to contribute towards enrichment opportunities, from trips out to visitors in.
We also ask the school to provide a ‘wish list’ of items they would like us to support on top of this, which we discuss with them how to prioritise each request.
We also invite input from parents too, so if you have an idea of something that would benefit all the students in the school, please do share it with the Committee by emailing us at
Funds are typically spent on the extras that are not provided by the school’s budget, thus making our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting.
Our Constitution commits the association to spend money on things that will benefit the children directly.
Some of the items we have donated to the school have been:
School Playground Equipment
Adventure Playground(s)
Sound System & accessories
Visits from Authors
IT equipment
Annual Leavers Recollection Books
Annual Leavers BBQ
Year 6 SATs ice-creams
Coaches for trips
Music stand & sheets
Theatre performers
Our Committee consists of:
Treasurer(s), and
Information of who the current positions are available upon request via our email
The Committee meets on a regular basis, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary when we are planning larger events and projects.
The Committee also holds open meetings, any member can come along, find out what the association is planning, share ideas and get involved.
We welcome any help from parents, grandparents, carers, and teachers to name a few.
We have a growing list of volunteers who commit some of their time to helping the association. Every little helps, so just one hour of assisting at an event or wrapping prizes or folding raffle tickets (just a few examples) would be invaluable.
If you would like to get involved please speak to a committee member, year rep, come along to our next meeting or email us at
Class Representatives
Our class reps play a very important role, providing a link between individual classes and parents, and the HSA committee. The support from class reps is vital when it comes to organising our main events, from selling tickets to organising rotas of help. We really could not manage without them.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Annual General Meetings provides an excellent opportunity for all parents to come along and hear in more detail about our work, the events we have run, the funds we have raised and how the money has been spent. It is also when we elect our new committee members and class representatives.
Support from Parentkind
St Bede Home & School Association (HSA) is a member of Parentkind, which is a national charity and membership organisation providing support and guidance to over 13,500 parent associations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Our membership includes comprehensive insurance cover by Zurich Insurance plc for all our association run events and gives access to support and advice on running the association plus fundraising ideas and good practice hints and tips
Parentkind also provides resources for Parents, if you would like to sign up to their Parent e-Bulletin please visit
How do we keep you up to date?
Newsletters are sent home with the children, via the school mailing system, and shared by year reps. They include information on upcoming events and dates, plus details of the help we are looking for at larger events.
We have a HSA blackboard situated in front of the main school entrance, where you’ll find all our latest news.
If you have access to Facebook, please join our 'St Bede Home & School Association - HSA' Facebook page.
If you haven't already joined our St Bede HSA Volunteer Whatsapp Group, please contact a committee member or class representative and we can add you.
All help is welcome – no matter how much or how little time you are able to give.