Growing Together
This webpage from the NHS website features a range of information about anger and how it presents in children. The NHS have included a list of reasons why a child may seem more angry than other children, advice on how to tackle anger with your child, as well as tips and advice, and when to get help for anger in children.
The Mind website explains anger, some possible causes and how it can make you feel and act. There's practical suggestions for what you can do to manage anger, and where you can go for support, including advice for friends and family.
Website: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anger/about-anger/
The Children's Society understands that being angry is a normal, healthy human emotion, but that sometimes it can get out of hand and hurt you or someone close to you. They aim to help children cope and control their anger, suggesting some techniques to calm down and control anger, and providing anger management resources to those who may be struggling.
Website: https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/information/young-people/well-being/resources/anger
If you need support to respond to your child’s anger or aggression, the Young Minds website features advice on what you can do and where you can find help. Including information on what anger is like for young people, how to respond to and manage anger, as well as about looking after yourself as a parent.
Website: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/parent/parents-a-z-mental-health-guide/anger/
For many kids, it's hard to recognize possible anger triggers and warning signs in their body, and they might not know how to verbalize and articulate those big feelings, or they may not have found the right coping skills and strategies. 'And Next Comes L' have compiled a list of free anger management games for children, that focus on recognizing triggers, identifying anger, and coping with anger in fun, playful ways.
Website: https://www.andnextcomesl.com/2021/05/anger-management-games-for-kids.html