Growing Together
We had a visit this week from Music teachers from the Hampshire Music Service for our younger children in Year's R, 1 & 2. Year R were led through a fun music session which involved scarves! All the children were given a colourful scarf to use while different music was playing. Everyone joined in with some simple repetitive songs and had to do things in time to the music such as drop the scarf, hide the scarf, wave the scarf and more. All the children loved the session and didn't want it to end!
Children in Years 1 & 2 took part in Samba drumming sessions, again led by teaching staff from Hampshire Music Service. The sound of drums could be heard in the corridors and again, the children had so much fun and learned so much about sound and rhythm. All sessions were paid for by our HSA and were an enrichment offer for our younger children in line with the school disco offered to children in Key Stage 2.