Growing Together
Tuesday 8th October & Thursday 10th October
We are continuing to use a hybrid approach to parent consultations again this term, which means that you will have the opportunity to either book a face to face appointment where you will be able to come into school and meet your class teacher. These appointments will begin at 15:30 and finish at 17:30. Alternatively, between 18:00 and 18:30, you can book a remote appointment, which will set up a virtual video link between yourself and the teacher. Support guidance for using our parents booking system is available at: https://www.stbedewinchester.co.uk/parent-online-booking-system/
The meetings are due to take place on two days (Tuesday 8th October and Thursday 10th October) and each session will keep to a strict ten-minute time limit to ensure that all meetings booked can be completed during the evening. If further time is needed to discuss issues, then parents will be able to make a further appointment with the teacher at a mutually convenient time.
The online booking facility is available at the following link: https://parents-booking.co.uk/stbede