Growing Together
We are taking part in Walktober this term! By travelling actively and/or sustainably throughout October, we can all get moving for our wellbeing, our community and our planet. We hope as many of our pupils and staff as possible can get involved by walking, wheeling, cycling, scooting, using Park and Stride and public transport more often. As part of Walktober, our Junior Road Safety Officers from year 5 will be visiting classes to share their tips on road safety.
There is also a Walktober competition for your child to enter. Please find attached a Walktober Challenge Card, which sets four weekly challenges to try over the course of the month plus a bonus task for the final two days. The weekly challenges can be adapted if necessary, or your child may like to come up with their own ideas instead. Please see the parent and carer leaflet for more details, including how to submit your child’s competition entry, or visit myjourneyhampshire.com/walktober