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St Bede C of E
Primary School

Growing Together

Walk to School Week

In the week of 15th May, it was lovely to celebrate with the children their efforts in coming to school on foot or by bike or scooter.  Well done to all of our Junior Road Safety Officers who have reminded us about the Green Cross Code.

The Green Cross Code tells us to do the following:

  • Find the safest place to cross, then stop.
  • Make sure you can see the traffic clearly in all directions.
  • Stand on the pavement near the kerb.
  • Look and listen for oncoming traffic. Watch out for bicycles.
  • When there is no traffic near, walk straight across the road. Don’t run.
  • Don’t hurry. If traffic is coming, let it pass. Only cross when there is a safe gap in the traffic.
  • Keep looking and listening for traffic while you cross. Walk straight across the road.