Growing Together
In the final week of school before the half-term break, Year 3 children were whisked back in time to the Stone Age. The children came dressed as cave men, women, and even woolly mammoths! The children took part in several activities linked to life in the Stone Age. The children learnt about pottery, tools, cave art and Stonehenge. They then made their own Stone Age pots out of clay; arrowheads and axe heads by carving soap; worked as a team to recreate Stonehenge out of biscuits as well as creating a whole class piece of cave art! The children showed amazing perseverance and teamwork throughout and were excited to learn more on their visit to Butser Ancient Farm later in the week.
When the Year 3 children visited Ancient ‘Butser Farm’ they had the opportunity to learn more about life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age by taking part in wattling- making fences from hazelwood saplings; clunching- to build walls using chalk, mud and water; along with jewellery making where they made bracelets or rings. The staff at Butser Farm also led a tour around the replica buildings so the children could compare buildings and life across the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. The children also enjoyed meeting the goats and sheep that are kept on the farm and spotting the wild deer up on the hillside. The children were excellent ambassadors for the school and upheld our school rules and values throughout the trip!