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St Bede C of E
Primary School

Growing Together

Year 2 visit to Sea City Museum – June 2024

Year 2 have been ‘full steam ahead’ in their history lessons in the summer term, learning all about the Titanic.  The children are exploring whether the Titanic was a triumph or a tragedy and exploring various sources of information to help them form their conclusions.  To support them in their knowledge and understanding, and to enable them to begin to make decisions, they visited the Sea City museum in Southampton at the end of June.  The children were such fantastic ambassadors for the school; they were engaged in all the learning experiences that were on offer and behaved beautifully whilst sharing the spaces with members of the public.


Throughout the day, children had a guided tour of the museum and learnt more about the impact of the Titanic on the people of Southampton.  They took part in a workshop involving four different activities, one of the favourites being a science investigation into how the watertight compartments flooded.  The museum staff were so impressed with the children’s knowledge of the Titanic and praised their sensible and thoughtful questions.  Thank you to all the parents who were able to support on this trip, and a huge well done to the children! What a brilliant day we all had!