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St Bede C of E
Primary School

Growing Together

Latest News

This page provides information news about events that have been happening in the school throughout the academic year.

  • Winchester College Jazz Band Concert for Year 3

    Fri 10 Feb 2023

    We were delighted to be visited by CS Jazz from Winchester College this week, who performed to our Year 3 classes to conclude a unit of work on Jazz in their music lessons. We were all entranced by the beautiful music and are grateful to the college for their support.

  • Safer Internet Day 2023 - ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.’

    Fri 10 Feb 2023

    This term we joined with schools and youth organisations across the UK in celebrating Safer Internet Day 2023.  Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology, which calls on children and young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers and more, to help to create a better internet.


    Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote at St. Bede and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year.  Our Year 6 digital ambassadors confidently led our worship sessions on Wednesday this week and delivered key messages that it is important to talk about how we keep ourselves safe online.


    We would be delighted if you could join us in celebrating the week by continuing the conversation at home. To help you with this, the UK Safer Internet Centre have created some free activities and information for parents and carers which are available at Parents and carers - UK Safer Internet Centre.  Whether you have 5 minutes to start a conversation or hours to spare, there are top tips, quizzes and films.

  • Traditional Chinese Dance Workshop for Year 2

    Fri 10 Feb 2023

    Year 2 children ended their cross curricular topic about China with a dance workshop. Our visitor, Hannah, led the children in a number of traditional Chinese dances and the children loved the opportunity to work with fans, parasols and finally…the lion and dragon costumes! The children were put into three groups, and each group learnt a piece of choreography that included their particular prop. Once all three groups had practised, each part of the dance was performed together, at the same time to some traditional Chinese music. We were so proud of the children for their teamwork, and for showing our school values. Hannah commented on how impressed she was, not just with the final routine, but with how well the children listened, followed instructions and gave their all to the performance! Well done everyone, what great ambassadors! A very fun way to end the topic and the half term! Thank you so much to all the parents and carers who were able to make donations to allow this enrichment activity to take place.

  • Year 4 travels back to 878AD

    Fri 10 Feb 2023

    Year 4 pupils were fortunate enough to finish their history learning about the Anglo-Saxons with a visit to the 878AD experience in Winchester City Centre. Whilst there, the children travelled back in time to experience life in Winchester in 878AD when King Alfred led an army to defend Wessex against the Vikings. Amongst other activities, the children interviewed real life Anglo Saxons to trade goods, learn about law and order and discover how the people of Winchester lived and felt. After some exciting live performances and video projections, we heard that King Alfred had won at the Battle of Edington and we travelled back to present day safe and sound. What a journey!

  • Children’s mental health week - February 2023

    Fri 10 Feb 2023

    There has been lots of talk and a number of learning activities about children’s mental health this week and about how important it is to feel connected to others and to value those things which connect us. In Year 1, children created 'Let's Connect' paperchains. Each child decorated a strip of paper with words and images celebrating how they connect with their friends, family and wider community. We acted as a team to stick our ideas together and discussed how, to best work, the chain required all of us and that each link was as important as the next.

  • Science learning that is out of this world!

    Fri 10 Feb 2023

    Well done to all of our Year 5 pupils who visited Winchester Science Centre this term to continue their learning linked to space. During their visit, the children enjoyed a workshop to explore the concept of aerodynamics when designing their own rockets.  The children also viewed a planetarium show in which they travelled through the solar system to expand on their understanding of planets and constellations. It was a pleasure to take the Year 5 children and they showed outstanding respect when using the public bus to travel to the planetarium.

  • Bikeability training in Year 6

    Fri 10 Feb 2023

    Congratulations to our pupils in Year 6 who completed their training for using their bikes safely, including when out on the roads. We received lovely feedback from those delivering the training about how responsive, engaged and well-mannered the children were- well done Year 6! Staff have also commented on the progress a number of children made over the training course, including those who began unable to ride a bike and quickly became confident, developing their skills and independence.

  • School Choir visit the O2 in London for the ‘Young Voices’ concert

    Fri 10 Feb 2023

    Earlier this term, our school choir travelled to the O2 in London for the ‘Young Voices’ concert. Our children became part of a massed choir of over 8700 children. We were so proud of the beautiful singing from our own choir and of their behaviour in a demanding day. Performing alongside the choirs was Heather Small who sang ‘What have you done today to make you feel proud?’ and every child there should justifiably have been able to answer with ‘sing’! There was such a sense of joy and celebration that evening, in spite of a few weary children (and staff) the day after. A huge thank you to Mrs Wendy Birch who accompanied the trip and to Miss Holly Scotland for leading the trip and preparing the children so well. The choir have asked to perform songs to the school in our worship sessions which has been lovely!