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St Bede CofE Primary School home page

St Bede C of E
Primary School

Growing Together

Latest News

This page provides information news about events that have been happening in the school throughout the academic year.

  • Year 1 Hillier Gardens Visit

    Wed 03 May 2023

    In the first week back after the Easter break, the children in year 1 enjoyed a fantastic day out at Hillier Gardens. The trip was organised to support the children’s science learning about growing. During the day the children took part in a number of activities and enjoyed spending time outdoors in the sunshine. They took part in an art activity, collecting petals, leaves and other fallen objects to create a class piece of artwork hidden in the trees. They also enjoyed visiting the herb garden to learn about the different herbs that can be grown. The highlight of the day was taking part in pond dipping! There were squeals and shouts of delight when newts were spotted and we all enjoyed learning about the dragonfly larvae. A brilliant day was had by all. Special thanks go to all of the parents who were able to support on the day and to the HSA who this trip was generously funded by.

  • Earth Day

    Wed 03 May 2023

    To celebrate Earth day this year each year group have been asked to think about a different eco question such as how can we travel in an environmentally friendly way or how can we look after UK wildlife.


    Earth day is held each year on the 22nd April, and is a time to think about how we can protect the planet.  Classes have been busy thinking about their particular question and the eco reps will be helping to collect the responses ready for their next meeting. We look forward to sharing our responses with you soon.

  • Rugby Success for St. Bede

    Wed 03 May 2023

    Earlier in the term, St. Bede selected a strong team to attend the annual Sparsholt College Tag Rugby Tournament at Winchester Rugby Club. With many of the squad being experienced club players, confidence was high. However, it was the togetherness and team spirit that shone through, as the experienced and inexperienced players gelled brilliantly throughout the day. The team ended up undefeated, conceding only 3 tries and scoring 37 in their run of games. Played 9, won 9!


    The most pleasing statistic however, was that every player contributed ably, with all 12 scoring and all 12 working their hardest in both attack and defence. Rugby is not a game won by individuals. Although our team was made up of fantastic players, it was because they showed trust and teamwork that they were able to succeed so convincingly.


    The tournament organisers recognised the team’s efforts and awarded them the most entertaining team. A fitting tribute to a group of children who were determined to compete, work hard and enjoy the day together.


    Well done to all the players involved. You represented yourselves and the school very well, showcasing our values with aplomb!